We all belong to each other.

First off, open up this window: River’s of Bablylon, Bradley Nowell and Friends, for a little background music.  I’ve had this song in my head since church this morning.  The preacher was teaching on Psalm 137 and Nehemiah 1 and my brain immediately goes to Sublime!  Its a beautiful song, and this is a great acoustic album!  And now a few thoughts…

I usually go to church with my pockets stuffed with kleenex, because I’m a crier, and when someone starts talking about grace, and the tender heart and humble spirit God gives to his people, I turn into a puddle.  Learning about Nehemiah got me inspired to write this. When Nehemiah heard about the remnant, the people remaining in Jerusalem, he sat down and wept.  Our preacher told us to ask ourselves “When was the last time that something you heard moved you to tears and immobility?”  “When was the last time that the lot of someone else caused you to beseech God for His mercy?” It is such a convicting question.

I think about my beautiful Grandmother, who has said to me at times she was embarrassed to go in public because her eyes were puffy from being up late crying and praying over someone.  Its people like her and Nehemiah that I long to imitate.  To care about people and their circumstances without apology, to throw myself into something no matter how unpopular it might be. To have a heart of flesh that doesn’t easily forget these things.  Its not natural for us to get involved in other people’s pain, our flesh says it’s too much trouble. We convince ourselves we don’t know what to do anyway, its awkward, someone else will do it…Our society says its not cool to care too deeply, or to mind our own business, to “let them live their life, and you live yours.”  Well Christ did not call for us to live in this kind of isolation. And as my preacher taught today, the people who make a forever difference, are the ones who do care deeply, see situations differently, and who wait patiently and never give up. People who make a difference are not living for themselves.

I think sometimes we work so hard, only later to ask ourselves what for? And sometimes we think we really gotta get busy or we’ll lose the desire to accomplish something, but when it is something you care about deeply, it doesn’t leave your heart. Its in your mind this week, and next week, and the next. Its like this dream of ours, its not going anywhere! Trust me, lol, its all we talk about!  And its a dream that grew from questions and desires that God stirred in our hearts.  Questions about how to reform our lives to Christ, how to glorify him, how to witness and how to serve others better.

Our goal will always be bigger than us having a small business that allows us to be available to our families and that allows us to do what we love.  Our goal includes lifting up others, helping others share their gifts, helping a mom bring in extra income for her family, raising funds for causes that grieve God’s heart. We know its going to take a lot more people than just the two of us to do all the things God has put on our hearts to achieve. We’ve already learned so much from others, had so much helpful input, and would be no where without the knowledge of people smarter than us.  (I count Miss as smarter than me too, btw).

We want to enter the mess. We want a public persona, to allow others to enter the mess in our life, to bear each others burdens and live in community.  When we live in community with others the way Christ taught, people get talked TO, not about. When you care deeply about someone the goal is always to restore and promote, not to compare, not to covet, or judge. When you know God loves others equally to the way he loves you, that there is nothing that makes you any more deserving of God’s love, you humble yourself. You count others as more important than yourself. We want to forever make a difference in someone’s life for the cause of Christ.  To leave our comfort zone and pray the hard prayers, to see in others what they may not see in themselves.

I think the best thing you get from knowing Christ, is that you can no longer care only about yourself, not comfortably anyway.  God did change my heart, he does that!  So lets ask ourselves, who can we be praying for? Why aren’t we praying for someone who is broken to be restored? We all know someone, I know I do. There are people who weigh so heavily on my heart yet many times I do nothing. I don’t want to bother them, don’t want to create an awkward moment, don’t want to say the wrong thing. Its easier to do nothing, and the only reward is that its easier.  I also know that all along there have been people praying for me, and I am so grateful for that.

What do your prayers sound like? What has God stirred in your soul that you cannot let go of?!

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” -1 John 3:18

My wonderful cousin Erin calls this “Loving out Loud.” I love that.   Lets all do more of that!


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