People let me tell ya about my best friend…

“One who has unreliable friends will soon come to ruin, but there is a friend who will stick closer than a brother”  Proverbs 18:24

So I was trying to think of something to write about, there are a lot of topics weighing on my mind.  Its been an interesting week. (Ok, so I have so many things I want to do, and actually started writing this last week after the inauguration and women’s march, it was an interesting week!)  It occurred to me to talk about Melissa, I guess because when interesting things happen she’s who I usually talk about them with.  This may be mostly because we have very specific interests that other people may not find so interesting!  Or because we agree on like 94% of things and these days its nice to have a conversation that is not a debate.

I almost can’t tell you how we became friends exactly.  She went to Caney, and I went to Sedan, about 25 miles apart.  I know a lot of it had to do with liking the same guy at the same time…go figure.  Then she dated my brother Luke,and then I just remember meeting on 4th street to hang out together and shoot the “U”. I think that’s what they call it in Caney!  In Sedan we just cruise.   I guess we were smart enough at 16 to be like “hey she seems cool, I’ll hang out with her.”   We did a lot of driving around in a our little single cab, stick shift trucks, trying to acquire a taste for beer and trying to find someone to buy us Parrot Bay to mix with Ocean Water from Sonic.  (Miss do you remember who else liked Ocean Water?? Haha, inside joke!)  We probably watched MST 3K 3000 times! (All rights reserved Callahan!)  We shopped at every thrift store and army surplus we could find, and had a two person fan club and even a hand sign, for the band “The Used.”  We listened to so much nostalgic music: Hot Hot Heat, Taking Back Sunday, The Sound and the Fury, Jack Johnson… makes me want to make a playlist now!  We were makers back then, from burning mixed CD’s to ironing initials on our jackets and sewing ruffles on wife beater tank tops. We may or may not have been serious dorks!

We have had some great adventures.  One time Miss kept telling me about this WEIRD guy who would come in the Copan grocery store.  He was like, always wearing one glove and inviting her over to look at his records…so I’m like, well lets go see what this guy’s got!  What he had was a worn out shack with blue tarps for a ceiling, and broken record players all over the place! He crawled around on the floor the whole time talking about how he used to be a beatnik.  There was definitely some talk about the commies and the NSA!  We didn’t care, we wanted his stash of vinyl!  We left there with a STACK of albums including Cream and several of The Beatles, and a promise not to sell them on e-bay.

Another favorite of mine, is a love story.   I don’t remember not knowing Miss’s husband Justin. His grandparents and parent’s were friends with my parents and he was just always a part of my family.  So you can imagine how cool I thought it was that him and Miss had been hanging out.  One night he was at my house with my brothers. They had been at the bar, I was trying to sleep.  Justin came in my room to talk to me… oh boy.  He told me all about his cheese ball feelings for Miss, and wondering what he should do. Well I of course told him to go for it. But if you know Melissa, you know she’s not the most expressive person in the world.  She’s kind of like she’ll keep you guessing about how she really feels and if she even likes you or not. I mean we’ve been friends for 15 years and I still wonder! Haha!  I was a little worried about Justin, but this story tells itself.  They’re pretty much the best couple ever. And now I get to spend time with both of them together.

So whether we’re getting shipwrecked on Copan lake, or Justin’s fixing all the mistakes I made while teaching myself to trim a sign, I always know I’m lucky to have friends like them.

[Notice the handmade shirt Melissa was wearing circa 2012 #makersgonnamake ]

Miss and I have been at very different places in our lives. After High School we took different paths, life moved at a different pace for each of us. Miss was raising a kid while I was still very much a kid. Id come home and crash on her couch or in Zane’s bed.  I went through a lot of changes and I always envied her consistency and level headedness. Her and Justin were always a safe place for me to land.  I have admired Miss since I met her. She is different than me in so many ways.  She picks something and sticks with it. She has high expectations, good taste, and she just seems to execute plans well.  I mean she currently has 4 kids, 2 the same age as mine, a full time job as an RN in the Emergency room (night shift!).  Did I mention she’s also a full time student?  I mean I’m lucky to be out of bed by 9:00 am.   She’s pretty impressive folks!

In time our paths realigned, we ended up being pregnant at the same time, TWICE, and her younger kids are the same age as mine!  God is good!   It was actually a class she was taking for school that has gotten us so fired up recently.  I remember she texted me and asked if I knew about apologetics.  I told her what little I knew from working as a counselor under the supervision of an LADC who also happens to be a minister.  (I’ll plug his book right here.) Now instead of a fan club for a band, we are like a fan club for Reformed theology, and follow Calvinist podcasts (still serious dorks).   We’ve been to see musicians like Hank Jr, and Eric Clapton together, but most recently we went to see and meet one of our favorite preachers, Rusty Thomas.  We’ve also gotten to see Flip Benham speak! He’s known for his abortion ministry and most notably for  the fact that he baptized Norma McCorvey, AKA Jane Roe, of Roe V. Wade.  (On a side note, she never had an abortion, and petitioned to have R v. W repealed.)

The best thing about our friendship is that is has been one that has grown with us. She’s always been there, I imagine she always will, and its a nice thing to be able to count on.  Two truly are better than one.  I know I can tell her about how great the sermon was at church or text her at 2 am because I over exposed my emulsion. I know she’s already listened to the podcast I just finished, or watched Charlie Marie’s latest vlog.  She’s usually a step ahead of me, and that’s good, because I have learned so much and gained so much from being her friend.   “Iron sharpens Iron, and one man sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27-17

A good and loyal friend is hard to find.  I am blessed to have many friends I love dearly.  People, when you find a good one, love them, be thankful for them, and be a good friend in return.  Teach your kids how to be a good friend, they’re going to need the support in this ever changing world.  The main thing I value about my friendship with Melissa is this; no matter who is against me, doesn’t like my opinions, or my beliefs, if I’m misunderstood, or misinterpreted, she’ll get it.

Love ya Miss thang!


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