Peace out.

Well I figured out I don’t want a job right now.  Make that a second job, I don’t want a job outside of the one I currently hold.  I always say I don’t know how other people do it, especially working moms, and especially working moms with more kids than me and crazy schedules.  I see people who just seem so busy and productive, and good at time management (not my strong suit!) and I wonder how they do it and what their lives are really like.  I admire them and usually assume they possess some skill or talent that I do not.  I mean sometimes I think volunteering in Sunday school every other week is biting off more than I can chew!

In pursuing this business idea with Miss I learned a lot about myself.  I learned I love being close with her and talking shop about all the things we love.  I learned how to make a lot of new projects and new techniques and still have several things I’m trying as we speak.  I learned I hate selling things to people I know, I’m not cut out for it.   I learned a lot about business planning that I hope to use in the future.  But mostly I learned how fiercely protective I am of my time with my kids.

You’d think all day every day with my babies would be enough right? Haha.  Well, it never seems to be.  I may be referred for mental help for saying this, but I’m always trying to make up time with them, even if it was just because I spent more time cleaning than playing, or doing my projects than being with them. I work hard to make sure every moment is purposeful and well documented in my journal for posterity lol.   In fact I know I need help, my husband travels a lot, I’ve got a 3 year old starting twice a week speech therapy, and a 2 year old who throws a fit about 8 times a day that can pretty much shut down all functioning in the house.  I figured out pretty quick that if  finding the time to make stuff to sell at one small craft show is as difficult as it is, then anything more than that is just not doable right now.  I can’t expect my toddlers to stay busy while I paint a sign, they’re the needy type! I can’t operate power tools during nap time.  I can’t halfway parent, and halfway work.  I am not much of a multi-tasker. I need to take lessons from a few of the better moms I know!  I just know to pursue this fully, I’d have to give up a lot of the things I love most about my life right now, and I don’t want to!

I know my kids little years will be over soon. So while I still got them,we’re gonna wake up slow, eat our meals together, and play all day.  I mean right now they’re both sitting on the floor beside me building a block tower together and laughing when it falls.  I can not miss this stuff folks!

So, I’m out. Mostly.  I’m really just wanting to get out of the way so Miss can shine.  I’m still going to make custom stuff upon request, I’m still doing some events when possible, like Indie Trunk Show April, 8th In Tulsa!  and I’ll always be crafting.  Melissa is gracious enough to still include me in some of the funner parts of the gig, and I’ll be rooting for her and promoting her as she continues her dream.  I am so grateful to her and for her.  I’ll let her fill everyone in on the new direction of her awesome plans.   Guys she is someone who can take on the world and is going to be successful no matter what. She has some VERY COOL ideas highlighting small town Kansas life, which so many of us hold dear, and all to the glory of God.   If she continues to use the websites, please continue to follow as things are updated and cheer her on and support her!

Lots of Love.
